Do you want to succeed in your real estate business?

“Discover How To Master The Success Skills So
You Can Finally Make The Money YOU Want To Make And Still Have Time To Spend On The Other
Things That Are Important In Your Life”

If You’re Interested In Becoming A Successful Real Estate Agent Then This Coaching Club IS The Missing Piece You’ve Been Searching For…

I will use them for years to come…
I highly recommend working with Brian Hert. Brian is a very effective motivator. His programs are comprehensible, enjoyable, and highly informative. The tools and strategies taught are easy to implement, and I will use them for years to come. Brian introduces several tools and strategies that will keep you focused on your goals. His strategies for developing your business will be helpful for any Realtor.
Mary C - Broker Associate, Realtor, Real Estate of the Rockies

Dear Future Success,

Most agents are unsure of how to really succeed.

And they have good reason to be, because there are a few definite skills needed to succeed.

And what’s worse – to hire a coach, get the help you need and then get forced into a 1 year commitment can make your wallet run and hide.

Well we’ve finally managed to put together a powerful coaching system that opens the doors to precious, powerful knowledge and share it with like minded real estate agents in a private, members only, coaching club.

This coaching club is called Agents by Design.

Why Choose This Type Of Coaching?

The Master Coaches that put together this coaching process have worked with people all over the United States and Canada. They have worked with the independent agent and large brokerages and because they have coached people in other fields, they bring a wealth of knowledge to the club.

These coaches hold certification(s) in Business Coaching, Marketing Coaching, Life Coaching and in Neuro Linguistic Programming (this is what Tony Robbins uses with his clients) and Relationship Coaching.

But what’s most important is we have structured the coaching process in a fashion that makes achieving success easier than ever before.

Even if you’ve achieved moderate success in your real estate business you’re almost certainly missing out on the critical training you need to achieve true success.

This is what Agents by Design’s private coaching club is design to change.

And it’s an exclusive environment where you’ll quickly start learning the right skill so you can accelerate YOUR success.

In Fact Here’s Just A Sample List Of Areas
You’ll Uncover In The Club…

  • The Critical Keys to mastering your time
  • The quick path to building your business and your life
  • Convert more Buyers and Sellers in to paying transactions
  • Discover how “systems” can change your life in a way that stress is something from your past
  • Master the Success Mindset and launch yourself down the road to achieve what you want and not get derailed (80% of success is psychology)
  • Learn to how to slash you marketing expense and increase your business at the same time using Guerrilla Marketing tactics

It’s Hard to Admit That I Would Need Coaching...
“It’s hard to admit that I would need coaching after having put through $33 million worth of deals in real estate over the past 11 years. But am I ever glad I did! My truly fantastic Coach, Brian Hert, has rocketed my business and my life to the next level. My goals are higher, my energy is double what it used to be, and I have taken on accountability for everything in my life. With Brian, I look at ideas with fresh eyes and with the knowledge that ‘Yes, I can!’ Thanks, Brian, for being so patient, demanding, forthright and honest. You keep me prospering!”
Cheri L. - ABR, CRS, GRI, e-Pro, Broker/Owner – Metro Brokers

I’ve Watched My Business Take Off, and I've Created Balance in My Life…
“Since working with Brian, I’ve watched my business take off and I have created a healthy balance in my professional and personal lives. Brian is a top-level coach. I recommend him enthusiastically!”
Steve S. – Broker Associate – RE/MAX

In short the Agents by Design coaching club is the place to learn, practice, polish, refine and master the powerful skill sets of the art and science of success in your real estate business.

After all success is something we all love, it’s what we’re meant to do,


When you research truly successful real estate agents all of them share five unique characteristics:

  1. They mastered the success skill sets
  2. They knew how to determine where they really wanted to take their business
  3. They mastered the ability of determining how to get there
  4. They mastered the success mindset in order to implement their plan
  5. They had help doing it all

Agents by Design’s coaching club is where you can do the same

Because we’ll…

  • Challenge you to master the skills that are the real power behind success in your real estate business
  • Stimulate you every week to keep your passion for your business alive & kicking
  • Excite you so much that using your new skills become irresistible!
  • Inspire you to expand your perspective and reach higher than you ever have
  • Motivate you to grow as a real estate agent and as a person
  • Reveal to you the cutting-edge lead generation system, Endless... Streaming Referrals! so you can implement as soon as you learn it

You see, the Agents by Design coaching club will enable you to take the skills needed for success and actually use them every day.

Can you really say that about reading a book or going to a seminar or workshop?

Not likely.

So why do we consider Agents by Design a first in the real estate industry?

To the best of our knowledge nothing like Agents by Design’s coaching club exists (otherwise you would have already joined it!).

Here’s How The Club Works…

  • Every Week You’ll Receive a 60 Minute Group Coaching Session

These group coaching sessions are designed to focus on implementation of 7 parts to our lead generation system, Endless... Streaming Referrals!, Time Mastery, the Success Mindset, Life Mastery, Business Mastery, and Success Skills Programing. We'll discuss what to expect from implementing your new knowledge, answer all your questions, hold you accountable and motivate you to continue down your road to success. During these sessions we’ll also work on short term goals and short term planning so you will be making progress each week. Each group is limited to 10 agents.

  • Every Month You’ll Get A Private One-On-One Coaching Session.

The focus of these powerful one-on-one coaching sessions is mid and long term goal setting and planning. These sessions look at the bigger picture. Your coach will help you determine what you want and how to get there with the big picture in mind. And, if you sign up today your one-on-one coaching session will be with the Founder and Master Coach of Agents by Design, Brian Hert.

  • Every Other Month You’ll Have Access To Our Agents by Design Live Webinars Series

You’ll have the opportunity to join us for a series of webinars that will help strengthen the skills necessary for success. These webinars will help you become a communicator, strengthen your Success Mindset, help you master goal setting, help you better use technology and these are just a few examples.

There’s a webinar each month and you attend free with your membership.

  • Once Every Four Weeks You’ll Meet With Your Own Mastermind Group
You have the opportunity to meet with other “like-minded” agents sharing achievements, supporting each other, brainstorming and holding each other accountable. And, you can do it online saving time and money.
  • Once Each Week You’ll Receive A Message Via Email Or Telephone Supporting You.

Each week you’ll hear from one of our coaches through a video email or by phone holding you accountable and helping motivate you.


This coaching process is designed to teach you all the skill you need to succeed. If you follow our process you will understand what it takes and have the ability to implement and stay consistent. This entire process takes only twelve months, not a life time. So you see, there's no need to spend 1000s and 1000s of dollars acquire the necessary skills needed to succeed and a lifetime to learn them.

And you will also get a chance to ask ANY success related question you like on the private forum about any aspect of what you’ve heard or any question you have.

And there’s more…

Created unbelievable results…
“Your program was just what I needed to jumpstart my business. It helped me to focus my energies back to the basics. The dynamic of being supported by my personal coach and other success oriented Realtors, created unbelievable results." Cheryl B, GRI, Realtor

So How Can You Join The Club?

To become a member of Agents by Design’s private coaching club is very easy. Simply click on the subscription button below and if you’re in time to grab the pre-official launch then you’re in!

(You can easily cancel your membership at any time – though I seriously doubt you would want to!)

And if you sign-up today you’ll also qualify for this fantastic bonus…

Free Extra Special Bonus

“One-on-One 30 Minute Coaching Session Each Month
With Master Coach And The Founder Of Agents by Design
Brian Hert”

After all, our sole mission is your success and we’ll do just about anything to see that happen!

Remember Opportunities Like This Are Few And Far Between…

The real reason there are so few truly successful real estate agents is because re so few take advantage of the help that is available to them.

And that’s hardly surprising when the average cost for coaching can be so expensive.

That’s why membership for this private coaching club will be highly sought after and because of this the club is operating a first come – first served policy…

Your Risk-Free Coaching Club Invitation
(Through 100% Secure Servers)

Remember, if you wish to cancel at anytime, just drop us a message and we will cancel your membership immediately.

Your total security and satisfaction are our #1 priority.

So you can feel safe to join this exclusive private coaching club now while it’s still available at the pre-official launch rate.

I’m not going to waste your time with a long chat about what this investment in yourself is worth.

What I can say is this access to our coaching club represents some of the best value you will find. Period.

Especially as this type of coaching club is the only one available in the real estate industry.

If you join today you’ll ‘LOCK IN’ this rock-bottom membership rate for as long as you remain a member.

Your Monthly Enrollment In Agents by Design’s Coaching Club


That Includes Weekly Group Coaching Sessions and Monthly Private Coaching Sessions.

+ Access To The Agents by Design Bi-Monthly Webinar Series

+ A Tele-Seminar Each Month

+ A Mastermind Group Meeting Every Three Weeks

+ Video Email And Telephone Support Each Week

+ One-on-One Coaching With Master Coach Brian Hert*


Yes! I Want To Be A Success

 As soon as we receive payment, one of our staff will contact you and schedule an orientation so you can get started immediately.

We are looking forward to
hearing about your success,

The Staff at Agents by Design, LLC.

P.S. *This introductory offer is extremely temporary. Once it’s over, that’s it- Sorry!